My Works


ReactJS | NodeJS | Flask | Google Firebase

Student-profile oriented ReactJS app for optimal class project group management for professors, utilizing NodeJS. Machine-Learning group matching model with Flask, and real-time data manipulation using Google Firebase.

Kazoo Bugaloo

Swift | Xcode | Spotify API

Interactive and in-person “guess-the-song” iOS mobile game with a pass-the-phone party element. Developed on Xcode with Swift, integrated with Spotify API for user authentication and playlist personalization.


TypeScript | React | ViteJS | TailwindCSS

User-friendly task management software built with TypeScript React and ViteJS, and modern styling with Tailwind. Leveraged TanStack Router for task organization, providing smooth routing and intuitive navigation for end-users.

Other Projects
  • T.O.A.L.

    (Totally Original and Applicable Language) A fully-equipped homemade programming language, using common English phrased syntax.
  • Is It Spam?

    A spam-filter for text messages that trains a model on test data, and can accurately detect unwanted messages.
  • AI Ad Agent

    This Advertisement Selection Agent uses a Decision Network to maximize the expected utility of displaying a particular ad to a target audience.
  • Blind-Bot Pathfinder

    Using Propositional Logic, Search Paradigms, and Dynamic Learning, Blind-Bot will travel a dangerous Pit-ridden maze in adaptable and optimal ways.
  • Distle

    An AI Agent that can predict a word in 10 tries or less using Edit-Distance Principles.
  • Huffman Cypher

    An Algorithm that encodes and decodes information using a Huffman Trie.
  • This Website!

    I designed this portfolio website using Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Framer Motion. It is hosted on Vercel.
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